Sunday 7 November 2010

Merino Mitts - Part 2

I have been busy weaving over the last week, and have also been spinning the rest of the yarn for the mitts. I have changed from Herdwick to a dyed orange merino as the Herdwick was a little kempy and was shedding a bit to much to use in mitts.

I am just waiting for a nice dry day to wash the yarn to 'set the twist' and wind it into a ball then onto knitting the mitts, which are needed today as this morning I had to break the ice on the animals water.

Yesterday I got 6 new additions to the croft, 6 beautiful ducks to keep my 3 drakes in check! They are a little scared of me at the mo so i will post some pics when they are a little braver, but are happy to come up from the burn for grain! They have also managed to get the drakes to swim, I was almost going to have to show them myself!!

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