Tuesday 8 October 2013

Visiting Usit's

Recently I had a little shopping trip with my mum, over to Inverness for some retail therapy. Mum had not been down to the southern islands of the Outer Hebrides, North Usit, Benbecula and South Uist (all joined by causeways) so I decided that we would have a little detour and spend a day on the Uists before getting the Ferry from Lochmaddy (north usit) to Uig (Isle of Skye). Pictures below are some taken around the Uists, which have very different scenery to Lewis and Harris.

After reaching Uig on Skye we drove to the east side, but didn't take the bridge across, we went down to Armadale, as there is a little shop we saw advertised, called Ragamuffin, and it sells really cute and unusual gifts and clothes. From here we got the Ferry over to Mallaig as  the last time I drove the Fort William to Mallaig road they were doing extensive road works and had a convoy in place so I wanted to see what had changed! Below is a picture taken from Armadale Ferry Terminal
After driving the Mallaig road, I stopped in Fort William, to visit Nevisport, a outdoor shop, where the staff were fantastic in getting me sorted with new walking boots!

Spent 2 nights in Inverness shopping, then off home via the Ullapool ferry. On the way back to Ullapool we had some spare time, so took the Road to Gairloch (A832). We only went a little way down the road but found, just off the main road a lovely parking spot with a great view, see below!!