Saturday 8 January 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I have been thinking recently about New Years Resolutions, I don't usually make them as I am awful at keeping to promises to myself but I have decided to make some this year. I think the reason that I never keep to them is that I always make them about things I dont want to change, like 'I will start running' and 'I wont eat chocolate'. I am never going to do these things, I live for chocolate and I am not built to run, I keep fit weaving and love hill walking, I can easily manage 10 miles in the mountains of Scotland, but I am lucky if I can run 100meters with out hyperventilating!

So I have decided to make some resolutions that I will keep to, all fibre related!

  1. Learn and perfect lace knitting - I have started this by knitting a chunky lace cowl, available now on my Folksy shop, see pic below, and I have a beautiful Shetland Lace Shawl pattern that I want to start soon!
  2. Learn to knit Fair Isle - I think that this is one of the most beautiful things that can be done in knitting, so I am determined to master it, and with the lovely books I got for Christmas I should be able do it.
  3. Not buy any more yarn - well, I am not going to buy any that I dont need for a specific project, I dont have any lace yarn so to achieve number 1 I have to buy some!
  4. Perfect my spinning techniques - I have bought a drum carder, which I am sure you will see in future posts, and I am determined to scour, card and spin beautiful yarn.
  5. Dye my own yarn - I have only tried to do this once, and loved it, the wait, and the expectation of what it was going to turn out like, so really want to do more.
Along with weaving and looking after the sheep and ducks its going to be a busy year!

The picture below is of the new Spring Time lace cowl I have just listed for sale at

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, I hope the festive period was enjoyed by all.

The snow has gone (for now) which is better for the animals out on the croft, the sheep are no longer ice skating to get to the food!

A few pics of the snowy weather, and I will be posting again soon.