Sunday 17 October 2010

First Post, hmmm what to say....

Well Hello! and Welcome to my blog.

This is the first time I have ever used a blog so forgive me if I start altering colours and adding bits and pieces to it as I go, as I dont really know what a lot of the buttons do!

A little about me, I am a newly trained Harris Tweed Weaver, I did and SVQ that finished in May 2010 so I have not been weaving long! I am 25 and me and my family moved to the Isle of Lewis, Scotland in Sept 2009, as we wanted to escape the 'rat race' of a town in England. We have a croft, about 3 acres, and currently have 43 hens and 3 drakes. We are shortly getting sheep to add to this, oh and we have a dog, Milo.

I not only weave, I am a spinner, knitter and crocheter and I experiment with weaving on different basic looms with different fabrics. I have a Folksy shop, called Unique Chic Fibre Crafts, which can be found at

I sell hand made items, hand spun yarn and rugs which are made from waste frabric from the weaving process, that would other wise get thrown away.

Not sure what else to write today, so I will leave you with a picture of my lovely drakes..

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