Thursday 21 October 2010

A day of two halfs

Today I have spent the morning weaving, nearly finished this one, then on to the next. Had a few ups and downs with the loom lately but (touch wood) all seems OK now. This is the latest pattern that I have been weaving for Harris Tweed Hebrides, its a herringbone in black and grey.

After lunch we had a trip to Ness, to visit the colour factory, a fantastic place for all things crafty. The dog came too and we had a nice, if not cold walk on the beach at Port Nis, the waves were huge and the tide was comming in so we stayed with in running distance to the car, didn't fancy a dip in there today!

Now just settled down to spin some yarn, a gorgeous aubergine alpaca with 100% Organic white merino, a truly scrumptious blend, look out for pictures soon.

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