Friday 9 December 2011

Long time, New arrivals and Learning New things!

Well its been a very long time since I last blogged, I can't believe where the time has gone really. Since the last blog I have taken on some new sheep, 2 lovely Blackface ewe's called Olive and Minty, 2 Hebridean ewes called HS1 and HS2 (Hebridean sheep 1 and 2, and also local post codes!) and 3 Hebridean Rams, PopEye, Brutus and Kevin! Taken from a friend that could no longer look after them they have settled in well and are super friendly (able to give them a cuddle, friendly!)
                                          My 4 New Girls (Olive is at the front, as usual)

I have also decided that I get 'second Sock syndrome', now for those of you that have never knitted socks its the feeling that you get that once you have made one sock, you have no desire to make the other, leaving one very lovely but sad single sock.

I decided to remedy this by getting the book, Toe Up 2 at a time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes and give it a try. It is also a first for knitting toe up too and to me seems like the perfect thing to do, as you don't run out of yarn, you just knit the leg as long as the yarn let you as the toe and foot are done first.

I have cast on and done the toes tonight, and I'm already addicted to doing it this way. The increase for the toe looks really neat and both socks will turn out the same. I would recommend this book! Pictures to follow of socks in progress!

We had last night very high winds, some parts of the Island recorded 101mph. The power was off for 16 hours and has been on and off all day, all OK, but glad the powers back on so the heating works!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikki. Got myself on here to start a blog as i am starting a vegetable patch here on the croft. I dont know if you know but we have moved to harris. We so must catch up. Just been catching up with your blog and hope to be posting on here soon but to be honest i am finding it a bit unuser friendly at the mo. Must be an age thing. Hopefully see you soon for a catch up. Jennifer xxxx
