Friday 8 July 2011

The Shearing is Done!

Today in the post the clippers came, just on the perfect day to start the shearing of the sheep. This is the first ever time we have done this, but my sister is a dog groomer so had a good understanding on how to handle the clippers!

It has been the most beautiful day here today, blue skies with a few white fluffy clouds, so we thought we would start. We didn't know how many would get done as the last time we caught them 2 got out and we could not get them back in the pen. We caught 4 to sart with, the black on evaded us but after the white ones were done, and with a little pursuasion with a bucket of food we got him too, we got them all sheared in under 3 hours, and I have 5 lovely fleeces that are ready to be washed for spinning.

Take a look at the pics, there is only one of them sheared at the moment, and as you can see they are not too keen to get too close at just yet, it will take a day or so for them to come back down and let us get near!

From This

To This!

As you can see, they are not too keen to come too close!

The Black sheep has faded over time, the ends are brown and the underneath is grey!

Pictures to follow of the sheared sheep, when they like us again! There was no one spare to take pictures while the shearing was being done, it was all hand on deck. The sheep do look very cute now they have their summer cuts, they look like lambs again and were running and playing after being sheared, I bet they feel better with out all that fleece on now.

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